'RELATIONSHIPS' includes intimate partnerships, friends and family. We include our business interactions, our connection to animals and the planet, and our relationship to ourselves!

Stargazer – astrology July 2024Stargazer – astrology July 2024
Stargazer – astrology July 2024

Stargazer – astrology July 2024. Communication is Mercury's realm – essential Self – to create successful relationships, first understand and value ourselves.

Jun 29, 2024 INSIGHT
Stargazer – astrology June 2024Stargazer – astrology June 2024
Stargazer – astrology June 2024

Astrology for June 2024: Mars – pursuit of passion and desire. Mars in your birth chart – willpower, sexual energy, goals, anger, frustration, motivation...

May 31, 2024 INSIGHT
Stargazer – astrology May 2024Stargazer – astrology May 2024
Stargazer – astrology May 2024

Stargazer – astrology May 2024. Taurus – it’s all about Taurus, including our physical life in all its glory, and the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction – aim high!

Apr 30, 2024 INSIGHT
Stargazer – astrology Apr 2024Stargazer – astrology Apr 2024
Stargazer – astrology Apr 2024

Stargazer – astrology Apr 2024 – Venus; the secret to stellar relationships | How to find out where Venus is in your chart based on your date of birth – & more!

Apr 6, 2024 INSIGHT
Love, sex, and manifesting your ‘dream partner’Love, sex, and manifesting your ‘dream partner’
Love, sex, and manifesting your ‘dream partner’

To have a really intimate, alive, healing, sexual relationship... takes baring yourself, being fully seen, and being able to communicate with a LOT of clarity

Dec 6, 2022 RELATIONSHIPS | LovingNow
Rewriting the attraction gameRewriting the attraction game
Rewriting the attraction game

It’s a rookie relationship mistake trying to please others, and yet so many of us have fallen into that trap! We are taught to conform, even though it no longer serves us the way it used to. Here are some ways to reframe our attraction patterning.

Nov 10, 2021 RELATIONSHIPS | LovingNow
Learning to love without expectationsLearning to love without expectations
Learning to love without expectations

Romantic connections have an amazing knack of showing us where we are at, and shining a light on what blocks us from experiencing deep love. One moment we’re loving wholeheartedly, and the next moment we sabotage ourselves through toxic behaviour patterns! Why does this happen?

Nov 10, 2021 RELATIONSHIPS | LovingNow
8 tools for connection8 tools for connection
8 tools for connection

Connection is, and has always been, important. And yet it is something that most of us could do with up-skilling!

Nov 10, 2021 RELATIONSHIPS | LovingNow
A declaration of interdependenceA declaration of interdependence
A declaration of interdependence

Humans are innately social beings who often thrive best in groups. However, Western societies are seeing a rise of individualism – and the attendant problems it brings. The coronavirus pandemic and the consequent loss of community interaction has exacerbated this trend.

Nov 10, 2021 RELATIONSHIPS | LovingNow
Finding pleasure and aliveness in a pandemicFinding pleasure and aliveness in a pandemic
Finding pleasure and aliveness in a pandemic

Have you had a healthy relationship with your pleasure lately? How can we use sensual pleasure to become more resilient?

Nov 16, 2020 INSIGHT